New Orleans Art Review (Dec. 2009) Three Exhibitions
Natchitoches Times (7/13/09) New England Artists Paints Cotton Gins
New York Daily News (7/28/00) Spread the Word
Caribbean Life (7/28/00) Modern Day Makeover
Waterbury Republican (3/12/98) Paintings Large as Life
Litchfield County Times (3/6/98)
Taconic Weekly (10/3/96) In the Manner of a Renaissance Master
WBEZ Radio Station, (3/3/95) Artistic License Interview
River North News (3/25/95)
Chicago Tribune (12/18/90) (3/24/95) (3/1/96)
Chicago Reader (3/10/95)
New Orleans Times Picayune (4/12/95) Finding the Beauty in the Bleak
Lakeville Journal (8/25/88)
Classical Realism Quarterly Vol VI, Issue 4 Landscape Anecdotes